RISE, A Modern Guide for the Purpose Driven Woman Spring 2014 | Page 30

Perfectly and uniquely designed for the purpose of bringing me here, to this moment, and it all makes perfect sense. My life is not the least bit “perfect”; not even close. But it is the life I designed. Finally, remember, don’t be seduced by optimism and dreams alone. Be prepared to work your butt off, sweat, sacrifice, cry, lose sleep, say “NO”, be tough, feel guilty, stand firm, and speak up; and in spite of that (and because of that) you just might become well respected, admired, proud, sought after, recognized, loved, delighted, prosperous, satisfied, content, blessed, and have the beautiful life you deserve! “I TRULY BELIEVE THAT IF YOU BELIEVE IT, SEE IT, VISUALIZE IT, AND DECLARE IT…IT WILL MANIFEST ITSELF IN YOUR REALITY!” RESOURCES & FAVORITE LINKS FOUR POINT Design+Construction www.4ptdc.com https://www.facebook.com/ FOURPOINT.design.construction. inc https://twitter.com/4ptdc http://instagram.com/4ptdc http://www.pinterest. com/4ptdc/ http://www.houzz.com/pro/ fourpoint/four-point-designconstruction-inc Angela Merola/Coach http://www.angelamerola.com/ rave-reviews/coaching-rave-re- Barbara Cocoran/Businesswoman http://www.inc.com/barbaracorcoran/eight-lessons-for-entrepreneurs.html Randy Pausch/Professor https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo UCLA/ARC_ID Program Info https://www.uclaextension.edu/ arc_id/Pages/default.aspx INC Magazine http://www.inc.com/ Entrepreneur Magazine http://www.entrepreneur.com/ magazine/index.html# Riley Jamison (RJ) http://www.rileyjamison.com/ Brian Thomas Jones (BTJ) http://www.brianthomasjones.com/ Robert Kazandjian (RK) (COVER SHOT) http://www.kazphoto.com/Kaz_Frameset2.html Merrill Capps (MC) http://www.foreshadowphotography.com/#!portfolio/ckiy