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Women have been involved in the development and evolution of football to this day. The first evidence dating from the time of the Han Dynasty in ancient China, where an ancient variant of the game called Tsu Chu in which women could participate was played . There are other sports that indicate that in the twelfth-century Europe , it was usual that women play ball games, especially in France and Scotland. After centuries of persecution and prohibitions against football for his " violent nature " , in 1863 in Britain , standards were defined to prevent violence in the game as long as it was socially acceptable for women , and in 1892 , in the city Glasgow (Scotland ) the first soccer match between women was recorded.
The first reference to women's football starts dating back to 1894 when Nettie Honeyball , an activist for women's rights , founded the first sports club called ' British Ladies Football Club' . Honeyball said that it wanted to prove that women could emancipate and have an important place in society which then excluded them , even though football was then practiced mostly by men.
The First World War was instrumental in the massification of women's football in Britain. Because many men were recruited by the British armed forces and departed the battlefield, the woman introduced massively in the labor force and therefore in football tournaments were popular among male workers of the time. Many factories had their own football teams until then were the privilege of men. The most successful of these teams was the Dick, Kerr's Ladies of Preston, England. Such equipment was successful, achieving results like a match against a Scottish team in which they won by 22-0.
However, at the end of the war, the FA did not recognize women's football success despite the popularity achieved. This led to the formation of the 'Ladies Football Association Inglés' whose beginnings were difficult due to the boycott of the FA that led even to play rugby pitches and other facilities not affiliated with the FA.
After the 1966 FIFA World Cup and the progressive massification of football, amateur interest grew to the point that the FA decided to reinstate them in 1969 after the creation of the female branch of the FA . In 1971 , UEFA entrusted their associated management and promotion of women's football made that was consolidated in the following years. Thus, countries such as Italy , United States and Japan came to be competitive professional leagues of women's football, whose popularity does not envy that achieved by their male peers.
Jamie White
Marketing&Advertising Expert