Right Angle Studio Portfolio Right Angle Studio Portfolio V.1 - Rijad R. Heldic | Page 9

Split Bedroom Privacy
A key characteristic of this home plan is the separation and privacy of bedrooms . Each room , including the kid bedrooms , have at least a hallway or neutral zone between them . This creates visual and acoustical privacy for each member of the family or visiting guests .
This sense of privacy is carried into the number and location of bathrooms , as the home is equipped with full-size resident bathrooms and a guest bathroom . All of which are positioned to be hidden from view .
Open Entertainment Space
The heart center of the home is in it ’ s free-roaming open concept . The main neutral areas : living room , kitchen , dining / eating area , and outdoor deck / patio , spaces are completely interconnected . Visual cues and furniture arrangements act as spacial dividers instead of walls . This open concept allows a home , such as this one , with a smaller footprint to give the impression of a large spacial experience .
It is excellent for guest entertainment throughout the entire day and / or evening . The outdoor deck / patio space is within reach , making every square foot useful and enjoyable .
Spacial Dividers
The front covered entryway is accompanied with a cedar column . This column has a structural purpose , visual characteristics , but also a spacial responsibility . It creates the divide between the exterior and interior space of the home . It prepares the inhabitant for a sense of shelter or place as he or she crosses this invisible line .
The cedar column is reintroduced on the ceiling as a cedar beam . The beam shares the same longitudinal coordinate as the column , along with the responsibility as an acting spacial divider . Here the beam provides a visual and physical separation between the living room and kitchen areas .
The home is made up of many characteristics and details , but the three elements of : privacy , entertainment , and spacial cues , are its most prominent .