Right Angle Studio Portfolio Right Angle Studio Portfolio V.1 - Rijad R. Heldic | Page 21

Split Bedroom Privacy
A key characteristic of this home plan is the separation and privacy of bedrooms . Each room , including the kid bedrooms , have at least a hallway or neutral zone between them . This creates visual and acoustical privacy for each member of the family or visiting guests .
This sense of privacy is carried into the number and location of bathrooms , as the home is equipped with full-size resident bathrooms and a guest bathroom . All of which are positioned to be hidden from view .
Semi-Transparent Entertainment Space
The central core of the home is in its semi-transparent concept . The common areas : living room , dining / eating area , and outdoor deck / patio , spaces are completely interconnected , while a touch of visual control is added to the kitchen .. These features allow the home to feel inviting and entertaining , but with a level of restrain .
The formal dining room gives a visual luxury to the guest throughout their stay , while the tall windows , along with the large sliding doors in the living room , flood the home with natural light .
Office Room or Kitchen Versatility
This house plan has a transformational area , allowing potential clients to easily select which lifestyle suits them the most - an office or larger family / kitchen area .
The office compliments the functionality of the house . Aligned in the neutral corridor , while all other bedrooms are hidden from sight , gives the placement of the office a neutral tone .
The expansion of the kitchen option serves as an enormous compliment to the chef . The kitchen feels much more spacious and with a greater number of cabinets . Residents and guests are given a secondary seating space as well .
The home has a strategic balance between resident and visitor . While the conceptual experience feels as an open floor plan , several key boundaries give the resident a sense of privacy and control .