RIE-UANL 2015 RIE-UANL2016 | Page 29

RIE-UANL, ENERO-DICIEMBRE 2016, AÑO 3, NÚM.3, ISSN: 2448-6825 P á g i n a | 27 Srikatanyoo, N., & Gnoth, J. (2002). Country image and international tertiary education. Journal of Brand Management, 10 (2), 139-146. Strayhorn, T. L., Blakewood, A. M., & DeVita, J. M. (2008). Factors affecting the college choice of african american gay male undergraduates: Implications for retention. Nasap journal, 11 (1), 88-108. Tackey, N. D., & Aston, J. (1999). Making the right choice: How students choose universities and colleges. Brighton: Institute for Employment Studies. Terkla, D. G. (1988). Beyond the baccalaureate: Using admissions research at the graduate/professional school level. Medford, MA: AIR Forum publications committee. Turner, J. P. (1998). An investigation of business undergraduates' choice to study at Edith Cowan University. Perth: Edith Cowan University. Urbanski, R. A. (2000). Factors influencing student college choice at a northeastern Minnesota tribal college. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota. Verbik, L., & Lasanowski, V. (2007). International student mobility: Patterns and trends. The observatory on borderless higher education, 1-50. Wagner, A. P., Barber, E. G., King, J., & Windham, D. M. (1989). Sponsorship and leverage: Sources of support and field of study decisions of students from developing countries. New York: Institute of International Education. Waters, B. (1992). Factors influencing foreign students' choice of graduate schools. Indiana: Indiana University. Yang, M. (2007). What attracts mainland chinese students to australian higher education. Sleid, 4 (2), 1-12. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Investigación Educativa: Un Campo para la interdisciplinariedad. Red de Investigación Educativa, UANL.