Riders Monthly March 2014 | Page 51

Dwain Snyder is originally from Pontiac, Michigan with strong Native American roots.

He has been very passionate about photography and animals for most of his life.

The decision to start his own photography business, Equestrian Images, began with a desire

to reach out to a specific audience and tell a visual story that may change the fate of a

mistreated or endangered animal, and to produce visually stunning imagery that shows the

beauty and spirit of all creatures.

Although Dwain has since explored many different areas, horses and other animals have

remained the main focus of his work and conservation efforts to this day, so that others may

see our world is in great need of respect and protection.

Dwain has been following the South Carolina State Heritage Horse since 2005, which has

taken him on many adventures and some very challenging shooting scenarios. He has been

recognized worldwide for providing a stunning representation of a breed that is as beautiful

as it is rare with only about 300 horses remaining today.

Dwain’s extensive technical knowledge, combined with his natural talent to explore light,

color and the essence of the horse has made him one of the foremost equine photographers

in the Southeast. His images continue to appear in a number of magazines, calendars,

and publications around the world.

Daniela Snyder often served as a second shooter in the past; however, she has shifted her

focus to taking Dwain's photos to the next level and creating amazing images that are highly

visual and recognizable via her exceptional post processing skills. Being one of the best

photo retouchers in this field, Daniela is known for creating stunning imagery, designs, ads

and websites that have helped many equine businesses grow far beyond their expectations.

The transition to creating websites, branding and image artistry has enabled Daniela to

exercise her creativity and marketing skills on a greater level and establish many lasting

relationships in the process. As a result, Snyder Equestrian Marketing was born and provided

a platform to combine all of the Snyders’ unique talents in one place. Their motto has always

been that “if our clients don’t succeed, then we haven’t done our job.”

Dwain and Daniela schedule one or two equine photography/Photoshop workshops a year.

In most cases, the photography classes have served as fundraisers for an equine or animal

rescue organization. They would like to extend their seminars to underprivileged or troubled

teens and share with them the joy of photography and viewing their surroundings with an

artistic eye. By learning this skill, coupled with the interaction with animals, these children

may find the lifeline they need to overcome the obstacles they are facing. If you would like

to sponsor a class or workshop targeting troubled youth, please contact Dwain and Daniela.