Ride for Sight Digimag Ride for Sight Digimag | Page 6
A Big Thank You to All!
Given the costs of putting on races these days, it is essential to have steadfast sponsors behind your event.
So, to say thank you, let us tell you about some of their great products – and you can get them all at your
nearest Dis-Chem.
Vita-thion® is an energy supplement for people
who want more of the body’s source of energy
to keep them going throughout the day. Vita-
thion® contains ATP which stands for adenosine
triphosphate, and it is considered to be the energy
source for our tissues.5 It is found in every cell in
our body and stores the energy that we need, to do
just about everything we do.5
Vita-thion® is available in Granules, Fizzy
Tablet and EXTRA effervescent tablets. The
Vita-thion® EXTRA effervescent tablets contain
vitamins, minerals and also ginseng. Ginseng
is a well-known active ingredient that assists in
reducing fatigue, increasing the capacity for work
and concentration and enhancing natural resistance
and recuperative power.2,9
Rethink CBD Tea’s & SHOT Range
CBD has recently gained huge traction as a powerful
and proven natural alternative to conventional medicine
for many health concerns and its use is now legally
approved as long as it meets the relevant requirements
as laid down by SAHPRA.
This is great news for people who would prefer to
simplify their health regime with a more natural alternative
as opposed to taking multiple medications for different
health issues. Because CBD helps the body reach a
state of systemic balance - or homeostasis - it targets
more, with less. That’s why it’s fast becoming a sensation in the healthcare world. As
a complementary health
solution, it targets multiple
health issues with one key
natural ingredient: CBD – or
cannabidiol – a cannabinoid
and a naturally occurring
chemical in cannabis plants.
Visit https://www.rethinkcbd.co.za/ for more info.
It’s not just sports people who injure
their backs. Transact provides 12
hours of back pain relief for however
you hurt your back*, via an adhesive,
anti-inflammatory patch that provides
effective and uninterrupted relief
from painful muscles and joints.
Transact patches are easy to use and
comfortable to wear, giving you relief from pain without the hassle.**
TransAct is available from all Dis-Chem Pharmacies nationwide, and TransAct is the
proud sponsor of the Event Physiotherapy Facility.
* For localised pain. If symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional.
** Use as indicated in the approved package insert. S1 Transact. Each patch contains 40mg of
Flurbiprofen. Reg. No 28/3.1/0268.Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals(Pty) Ltd., 8 jet Park Road,
Elandsfonteinf, 1601.
Visit www.transactrecovery.co.za for more info.
Ride For Sight | 15 February 2020
Vita-thion® EXTRA does not contain
sugar.2 The vitamin C in the effervescent
tablets is an antioxidant and helps maintain
healthy gums, skin and connective tissue
while all the various vitamin B’s help in the
conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
into energy and keep the nerves functioning
well.2 The product contains vitamins A, C
and D for healthy skin, hair, nails, bones and
teeth, and maintains healthy nervous system
Taking Vita-thion® not only gives you energy
to see you through a busy day, but it also
helps with the maintenance of good health and
vitality2 – something that we all strive towards in
our busy lives.
Sensodyne toothpaste is recommended by dentists all around the around the world
sensitive teeth. Sensodyne provides proven relief from the pain caused by sensitive
teeth and provides long-lasting sensitivity protection. If you are at risk of sensitive
teeth, switching to a toothpaste such as Sensodyne can make a big difference to
your everyday life and to your overall oral healt.
Sensodyne Repair and Protect Whitening Toothpaste
Sensodyne Repair and Protect Whitening
toothpaste can actually repair vulnerable
areas of sensitive teeth. At the
same time, it helps your teeth
keep their natural; whiteness
and with twice daily brushing
Techniblock SPF50
Techniblock Sunscreen is proudly manufactured in South
Africa specifically for the South African climate. The brand
has a rich heritage, having pioneered the development
of aerosol sprays since 1990. Techniblock focuses
on protecting the skins of all South Africans whilst
encouraging quality time spent outdoors. Techniblock is
actively involved in sports, taking pride in knowing that
our product is suitable for the whole family and the entire
Rainbow Nation. The brand knows that it is a technical affair to #BEATTHESUN
and therefore offers you a tech-savvy EU-
formulated brand that is environmentally
friendly and carries the CANSA Smart
Choice approval.
Techniblock is committed to ensuring that
you are protected against painful sunburn
whilst competing and preparing for the
Dis-chem Half Marathon. So, while you
have fun, Techniblock will #BEATTHESUN.
Get the full story at www.