Ride for Sight Digimag Ride for Sight Digimag | Page 23

IS-CHEM VIP NDOR 5 Rolling Doughnuts R35 Sausage Saloon R40 Hot Dog R40 Cheese Griller R45 OM Boerie R45 Chip ‘n Dip – (mini co ne) R35 Poras Pregos R45 Beef Pregos R45 Prego Combos R60 State 5 Coffee, Cappucino etc R20 - R45 Ola Ice Cream R20 - R45 Cooldrinks – various Various There will be a fully st ocked Beer Tent. VITALITY RED CROSS TESTING Getting to the Venue From the N17 Johannesburg to Springs Highway, Rondebult [R21] off ramp. North to Boksburg. Right into Bigwood (2nd lights). Right into Trichardt Road, left into Dudley Smith and right into Stadium. PHYSIO- THERAPY VENDOR 6 VENDOR 7 MEDIC RED CROSS AMBI PARKING FINAL WATER TABLE VENDOR 8 From the N12 Johannesburg/ Witbank Highway. Atlas Road off ramp. South to Boksburg (R43), road becomes Van Dyk Road. Right into Commissioner Street, left into Jubilee Road. ROAD MAIN GATE – JUBILEE ROAD 23