college degrees have higher earnings over their lifetimes than those without. While non-degree seekers own more homes than degree seekers in their early 20's by the time they turn 27, that reverses. By the age of 30, people who graduated with student debt have the same homeownership rates as perople who graduated debt free.
This amount of student loan debt is much less than what is often written about in the media. The typical borrower has an average debt of $25k, with a median of $13k. Thireteen percent of borrowers have more than $50k of debt, and 3% of borrowers have more than $100k (a majority of these borrowers have also gone to graduate school).
C.A.R asked millennials who have purchased wheather they though the student loans were delaying their homeownership. Of millennials who were most worried about debt, 76% claimed that it kept them from homeownership; but only 25% of all millennials said that is was. When millennial home purchasers were asked the same question, 27% said that debt delayed their purchasing. Homeownership and student loans were linked, but not as drastic in a way that many writers worry about.