Rice Business Report September 2019 September 2019 Rice Business Report | Page 39

Rice Business Report September 2019 5 Essential Elements to Start a Construction Business By Manoj Rana 5) Get bonded In several states, it is mandatory for contractors to get a collateral bond to become licensed. However, the amount of license bond varies by state. Sometimes, even your customer can also ask you to obtain further performance and payment bonds for specific projects. As we know, performance and payment bonds are mostly used on government projects, this is why their use is growing on privately funded pro- jects as well. Final Words In life nothing comes easy not even a success, so, never hesitate to learn something new. If you are plan- ning to start a construction business and want to reach the top, consider these points to create a win-win situation! I work as a digital marketer and Online reputation manager at Websetters, one of India's leading online reputation company and web development company. I have 7+ year Experience in online marketing ser- vices. Every time found new opportunity to develop my knowledge and feel good when achieving this challenge Continued from page 34….. Circular Patterns in Venture Capital and Angel Investing: Interesting Trends and Tips By Alicia Castillo Overall, a combination of healthy recycling of talent, capital, and technology is fueling the economy despite mistakes made by politics. For investors the signals are clear: Get in early, support many startups, learn and collab- orate. For entrepreneurs the signals indicate: Use many forms of funding, use dynamic fund- ing, ask investors for support (not just money), and create dynamic teams. Oh, and for small business owners that think "small is beautiful", now, more than ever, my famous quote of 100% of 1 is 1, but 1% of 1000 is more, is more valid than ever. Get in line, ditch the illusion of a "safe" and embrace the "growth" mindset. If we stop growing, we start dying. Small IS beautiful, it is just not sustainable. For Government and Economic Development Agencies, the puzzle is getting more and more complex... Hang in there! 39