Rice Business Report September 2019 September 2019 Rice Business Report | Page 20

Rice Business Report September 2019 Would You Rather Not Carry A Hand Gun? by Michael Wynar In the next hour, somewhere in the United States a woman will be assaulted whether at home by her spouse or by a stranger while she is jogging, or carrying groceries back to her car. In the short amount of time that a person might take on a lunch break, a person, especially a woman can become the victim of a personal attack. With a little planning a person, male or female, does not have to become the next statistic There are a number of ways to keep yourself safe. The best way is to have a self-defense plan in place and to carry a self-defense device on your person at all times. Most attacks happen when you are the least prepared to counter them, example being, you had a stress- ful day at work and now you have to deal with the five o'clock traffic and you are trying to remember where you parked your car. Now your guard is down and this is the perfect time for an unsuspecting per- sonal attack. Are you prepared to counter an attack? You need to keep in mind that attackers aren't always the creeps or weird guys that you see on TV that hang around parking lots or in dark alleys. Statistically, more than 80% of rape victims know their assailant beforehand There are any number of Self-defense courses available online and many are free. These courses are de- signed to teach you that just trusting yourself to respond to a bad situation is not always an effective form of self-defense. It is important to have a strategic plan in place before you are targeted by an attack- er. This plan should include knowing when to run, or when to give the attacker what they want or when it might be to your advantage to hold your ground because you have a self-defense weapon such as a gun, knife, Taser or even pepper spray. These self-defense weapons are of no use to you if you have not taken time to train yourself in their prop- er use or if you can't readily get to them when needed When you have a proper self-defense plan in place, you can avoid becoming the next victim. The following is a list of ways to protect yourself against a possible attack. 1. Probably the most important thing you need to do to keep yourself safe, is pay attention to your sur- roundings. Always avoid areas that do not have adequate lighting also keep your distance from strangers. Making this a practice in your daily routine will reduce your chance of being attacked 20