Rice Business Report April 2020 Edition Rice Business Report April 2020 | Page 29
Rice Business Report
April 2020
Continued from page 27…….
The Effects Of Spirituality In The Life Of A Man
Success of Spirituality
Spirituality based on the word of God makes one to obey the Lord; think, talk and act like Him. This
makes you to relate with people as God would want you to, as such manifesting the fruit of the Spirit.
Also, spirituality will cause you to respond to issues or situations as God would want you to without fear
or anxiety. Furthermore, it makes you to have life and peace in abundance.
Spiritual mindedness makes you walk in love and to easily forgive others, thereby helping you avoid
offences. So, you will be at peace with all men. This alone is health to your spirit, soul and body. Also,
you live above sin and reproach when you are spiritually minded; and challenges will be walk over for
you. This is because you will be walking with the mind of Christ.
Furthermore, spirituality makes you rub minds with the only wise God. So, it gives you access to the wis-
dom of God which will exalt you above your peers. This will give you success and peace in all areas of
your life. In summary, spirituality reorganizes your mindset aright and empowers you to act wisely and
enjoy life and peace.
In Genesis 3, we have the story of the temptation of man. There, Eve was carnally minded, leading to the
spiritual death of man. She was so engrossed with satisfying her flesh that she disregarded the com-
mand of God that they should not eat the fruit of that tree. And she fell into this temptation because she
focused on the devil's words and the beauty of the fruit. So, the lust of the eyes and the flesh had an up-
per hand over her than her spirit. This led to them leaving the beautiful Garden of Eden
The Shunammite woman
On the other hand, in 2 Kings 4:8-37 we have the story of the Shunammite woman who was barren but
spiritually minded. She perceived Elisha as a man of God and went ahead to make him comfortable each
time he came to her town. This action of hers led to her conception and delivery of a male child because
Elisha blessed. Also, her spirituality restored the boy back to life when he died. For, she didn't wail like a
woman who didn't know the power of God that resided on Elisha. Rather, she sent for him to come and
restore the boy back to life without even informing her husband of the death of the boy.
Your present state is a function of your spirituality and you have the power to change it or make it
better. Therefore, choose this day to build up your spirituality in the Lord and enjoy life, peace and suc-