Wesley Row, Clitheroe. BB7 2JY. 01200 443317
1-4 September
Tuesday 2 September: Youth club from 7-9.20pm Usual youth club
with sports, music, chat, computers, Playstation, wii dance, crafts,
advice etc. 50 pence entry.
Graffiti Project: Running during the summer, dates to be announced.
Subsidised project with limited numbers.
There will also be other activities as part of youth club, including loom
bands, body art, pool, competitions, art projects, cooking ,fitness etc.
Leadership-Foodwise-Beginners Spanish-Bike Maintenance
Would you like to do a qualification in one of these activities? It's only
for 10 hours over the first 2 weeks in August, 2 sessions a week, at
Clitheroe Zone or Longridge Young People's Centre? It's free and you
gain a nationally recognised qualification. To find out more or apply
ring 1200 443317 for Clitheroe or 01772 782909 for Longridge
The programme may change slightly or be added to through the
summer so keep an eye on our Facebook page for any updates: Ribble
Valley Youth Zone. Phone 1200 443317 for details or call in at the Zone,
Wesleyan Row, Clitheroe .BB7 2JY