>> Continuation
We prefer that children spend less
time on the road and have time for other activities and
mainly for studies. If one has to to sit in the tram, in the car or on the
>> That is the difference.
subway for two hours to get to a training since childhood, this is not
always good. It is understood that there are instances when people get
high results in football, putting everything at stake. Nobody gives
guarantees that a person will become a football player, and will earn big
money. Moreove our philosophy is to develop children's health, and then
we will see, so the selection process exists, but it is not strict. But we look
at the children long enough to understand if they have the chance to
become a professional athlete.
RIAS: Recently there was information that the Juventus opens its Summer
Camp opens in Russia. What do you think about such initiatives?
Juventus Camp has already been twice in Saint-Petersburg. Last year and
this year The problem with these camps is that they are city camps, and
children do not fully communicate with each other. It is desirable that
such camps would be attended not only by children from Saint
Petersburg, but from other countries, from other regions of Russia. Then
the camp should be year-round, and not at the stadiums in the city, but
in the Leningrad region, so that this program could be further expanded.
Because if a child has to travel to their training twice, they may not be
able to have a proper lunch well during the break, because there are
always problems with transport: you need to come and go. It is
interesting as a project to cooperate with such schools. Coaches come
from Italy, you can see their work, make an assessment of their work, not
critically, and find something new for yourself, so that you can apply it in