Rhose in Bloom First Edition | Page 10

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Dankie Kasi-Bulelani Ngcako

"I grew up on the street because my mother was unable to take care of me from the age of 9. Despite lacking a home, I attended school. I enrolled late but I still excelled. Drugs, alcohol, breaking into people cars and other criminal activities never really peaked my interest. I used some of the money I had from helping out vendors and bought myself a skateboard. I would skate my time away until I was invited by a group of tourist who where staying at a backpackers to go and surf. From that day onwards, every weekend I went down to Muizenberg to watch the people surf. Eventually, I made friends with most of the surf shop owners which meant I could surf for free every weekend as long as my home work was done. I was used to doing it on Fridays because I either lost my stationary or didn't have any which meant I had to borrow from others before school went out for the weekend. During high school I attended computer classes at Herschel girls high school every Wednesday, and later I was invited to Molo Songololo.. I matriculated in 2008 and I applied for entry into four universities across the country for a degree in LLB but my applications were declined because I didn’t have an address and I followed my applications process via e-mail. Amidst the confusion and disappointment the Dankie Kasi idea came to mind as I started contemplating on how best to thank the people that encouraged me to stay positive and look after myself and others.

I decided to return home with the hopes that the situation might be different bu that was not the case. Instead, my mother, sister and I could never get along. My mother left us for the Eastern Cape, my sister went out to go and stayed with friends and I had no choice but to go back on the street. Not an easy life but this is the only life I was used to.

Things got even more complicated during my second time on street. I had matric but no job to pay for a place to stay. I moved around a lot, eating at soup kitchens and sleeping where i could; my office was the internet cafe, the library and even public toilets. In September 2010 I enrolled for a course in life skills, Computer literacy and office management and after graduating I went looking for a job. I was confident at the time that the certificates would change my luck but with no proven experience, most companies asked me to drop of my C.V. When I followed up they all turned me down. On the street with no money. two years had gone by and I was working as a runner at club Deluxe. The manager entrusted me with the keys so I could open up and start cleaning before he and the boss arrived. I took full advantage of this opportunity and walked my colleagues to the station every morning after work, claiming I was taking the bus and went back to the club to take at least a three hour nap, before I went out looking for a better job. I went back to the college I attended and begged the coordinator at the college to give me another chance to do Computer maintenance and repairs. Hoping that with more computer knowledge getting a job might be a little easier.She'd been very impressed with my progress on my previous courses and agreed with no hesitation. I promised to pay my fees after graduating and getting a job but she told me not to worry about it.

I graduated and the job I got had nothing to do with computers as all I had to do was shout WOODSTOCK, MOWBRAY, RONDEBOSCH, CLAREMONT, WYNBERG.