Rhose in Bloom #BLOGGERS | Page 12

My name is Izelle and I am passionate about personal development and helping others. My blog - BecoMEing - is all about being your true self and becoming who you are meant to be. Through my blog, I hope to inspire people to focus on themselves, their passion and being the best person, they can be, whether it is being a professional in their career, a mother, wife or any other role they have chosen for themselves. It is about becoming the true ME! I have been blogging since 2016, mostly as a hobby and also blog in Afrikaans for Finesse Voelgoed magazine’s website. I believe my blog sets me apart from other bloggers as I write out of personal experience, not focused on making money or being sponsored, but rather just sharing my raw, personal point of view and life experience and lessons with whoever chooses to read and follow my blog.

I am by no measure a professional or expert, but I believe my experience and passion enables me to help others. I have had many trials and challenges in my own life from depression, making huge career changes, being a mother and dealing with miscarriages and all the emotions in between. I studied Industrial Psychology and I am a registered Psychometrist (psychometric assessments being one of my many passions). I consider myself a dreamer, optimist and passionate person who cares about others and their well-being. I truly hope that each and every person finds something inspirational on my blog.

This is one of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite shows – Dr. Who - that sums me up quite perfectly:

“I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams.

"Sometimes when we take off our rose coloured glasses we see the dark of the world, we see everything that can go wrong and we get sucked into negativitty. Here is the thing, the way we choose to see the world is up to us. In my opinion; there is only one Person who sees the world as it truly is. May you look through the eyes of God next time you look in the mirror, past all your perceived flaws and failures and may you remember that you are loved and cherished. May you take a step back every now and then and get the bigger picture of your situation."

Facebook: @Becomeing

Instagram: @becomeing_blog

Twitter: @becomeing_blog

Blog: https://becomeing.wordpress.com/
