Rhode Island Monthly May/June 2020 | Page 39

CityState: To-do List l By Samantha Labrecque Things to Do May/June 2020 Sign up for THE 401, which includes activities for the whole family, at RIMONTHLY.COM/NEWSLETTERS. Activities and Online Resources to Keep You Busy When Homebound The days might be long but that doesn’t mean you have to spend them inside binging Netflix (though we’re not judging if you do). Pick a hike off the beaten path, escape civilization and get a breath of fresh air. Or forget about the world and immerse yourself in one of many movies filmed in Rhode Island. Keep the kiddos entertained with fun and educational activities, and adults: We’ve got you covered, too. Participate in a virtual book club, take a stroll around town to see murals and catch a virtual Broadway show. There’s something for everyone! —Samantha Labrecque GETTY IMAGES. RHODE ISLAND MONTHLY l MAY/JUNE 2020 37