by: Rebecca Hall Gruyter, CEO of RHG
Media Productions and Founder/Owner of Your Purpose Driven Practice
This powerful column provides you an opportunity to ask Rebecca those visibility/media questions, business questions, money questions, leadership,
speaker, personal growth, and empowerment questions you have. Rebecca wants to help you overcome fear and bring your message forward. In each issue, Rebecca will select one or two questions to answer.
Dear Rebecca, I have written a large collection of outside-the-box, valuable health articles. How can I share them more widely?
~Jeff Bell, Founder of My Health Optimizer
Dear Jeff, thank you for your beautiful question about your articles.
I love this question because there are many ways you can look at getting this information out to a wider reach. You could look at sharing them out in a blog, publishing them on LinkedIn, or submitting them to a magazine like ours to contribute as a columnist writer. Each of those would bring forward these powerful articles. You could consider participating in an anthology (Collaborative Book Project) where you bring this article information forward as a powerful chapter and then as an ebook that could help you grow your list. You could develop and expand the articles into a powerful collection and publish them in your own book that could then be brought forward as a best seller and help become a platform from which you speak and teach. You could also look at getting cited/quoted in major media. This helps your message reach more people while gaining powerful credibility…especially if it includes a press release that will be released to multiple media outlets. (We can help you with many of these options and/or make introductions/recommendations to support you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.)
Most importantly, if you have been given information to bring forward in a written form, it’s important that you be willing to explore and find ways to help your message(s) reach more people. I believe if you have seeds like this planted in your life; that they are meant to grow and be shared out. Jeff, I look forward to seeing your powerful information reach more people!
Dear Rebecca, what keeps you grounded in your roots as you fly with your wings? How does being grounded in your roots help you soar?
~Tasneem Noor, The Faith Connector
Dear Tasneem, thank you for your beautiful questions about roots and wings.
I believe it’s important in all things that we do that we stay grounded in our truth…our why. This is key to both living on purpose and to soaring. We need to take the time to truly discover our “why” - our motivation and purpose. Once we gain clarity on our purpose on our “why” we are then able to know more easily what to say “yes” and “no” to. We say “yes” to the things that matter most to us and to the things that will help us move forward. And, then, we can confidently say “no” to the things that move us further away from our purpose. This keeps us grounded in our roots/our truth, and helps us SOAR…move forward into those things that matter most to us while we are more fully being all that we are called and created to be and to become. Our purpose will motivate us to move forward even when we hit challenges and will help us SOAR when we are in alignment with our truth and move it forward.
It is important as we move forward on those things that matter most to us to remember life is not a solo journey. We get to walk beside each other and support and cheer each other on. It is important to remember to nourish our roots and have a powerful community and tools to support us. Here are some resources we have been led to create to support our readers, community and followers live on purpose and with great purpose:
Tasneem, thank you for your beautiful question about Roots and Wings. I look forward to seeing you SOAR!
We hope you have enjoyed ASK REBECCA and if you would like to submit your questions to Rebecca, please email her at: [email protected]. In the email indicate if you are okay with her using your name and business with the question or if you would prefer to have it submitted anonymously.
Ask Rebecca!
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