RHG Magazine & TV Guide Summer Star 2019 | Page 16

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Have you ever noticed how easily we slip into a routine and don’t seem to see there’s an exciting life waiting for us beyond the day-to-day chores and deadlines? Any number of things can happen to wake us up from a common cold to catastrophic illness, loss of a job or moving to a new residence, even the death of a loved one or a change in relationship status. Or something miraculous could happen.

In my case, it’s the birth of my granddaughter. I noticed as I was sitting holding her that she was a magnet drawing people into our little bubble of joy. Perhaps all babies have this effect on people, but she seems to have incredible power to attract attention and unapologetically basks in being the star effortlessly. Only by doing what she was born to do. She is just being herself. Communicating pure love and joy without saying a word.

What if we recognized that we are all miracles in our own way? That we have unique gifts which make us the star of our own story. Wouldn’t that be someone you’d want to get to know?

I firmly believe that what makes us unique is that thing we easily dismiss because we assume everyone else has had the exact experience and so we aren’t unique. You may have heard me talk about my breast cancer episodes. Cancer touches so many lives and is something many people can relate to. I see the miracle here as not that I had what is considered the best kind of breast cancer to have. And that I had the same diagnosis twice in the same breast. No, the miracle is that I’ve come to embrace my breast cancer as a gift because it brought me clarity about what is important in life.

What is important is that my story matters and no one can tell my story from my perspective except me. Because I am the star of my story.

It is crucial for you to know that your story matters and no one can tell your story from your perspective except you. Because You are the star of your story.

It isn’t enough for me to call myself a writer, I must write my story and show up in service to those who are challenged in writing their stories. And I stop to pay attention to all of the blessings in my life; relishing the day-to-day laundry, groceries, cooking, cleaning and various errands (all of which can wait while I’m cuddling my grandbaby!). Celebrating the world of words by writing in my journal as well as supporting my clients in their pursuit of leaving a legacy with their words.

Do you have plans and dreams of your own?

Don’t wait to speak up shine your light.

Yes, I realize it’s scary to ask you to be vulnerable and let the world see you as your authentic self.

I have a suggestion if you are willing to try a little experiment. You could start to be the star in your own life by recording your experiences on the page. Be inspired by the wisdom of your own life challenges and how you coped with them. Have a conversation within the pages of your journal just as you would with a trusted friend and confidant. Start by sitting down with a fast-writing pen and your journal for a short writing session. Write for about 15 minutes. You may start with the words “what does my heart want me to know right now?” or ponder some nagging thoughts that are pleading for attention. Make it an on-going experiment for about 21-days at the same time every day. Write down the date and time at the top of your page to ground yourself and let your subconscious know that those messages it has been keeping safe for you may now be shared with your conscious self. I like to play soft instrumental music when I write, perhaps light a candle and have a cup of tea or flavored coffee. Be open and curious to see what messages show up. And be prepared to be the star of your story!

Every new day is an opportunity to be the star of your own story. I for one do not intend to waste a minute. I have big dreams and even bigger plans to carry out those dreams. How about you?

Be the Star of Your Story!

RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - Summer Star 2019 © All rights reserved.