RHG Magazine & TV Guide Summer 2017 | Page 13

Barbara Gross is a humorous motivational speaker/comedian. She embraces the unexpected of daily living with a smile using her “inner happy” as she believe you have a choice on how you react to any situation. You can laugh or cry; she chooses to laugh.

aloof. Evidently, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way. We only had one night off each month. The night he was off, all the counselors (including me as a prank) took very large wooden benches that could only be lifted by at least two people and barricaded the entrance to his bunk so he would have to sleep outside once he came back from his night off. Everyone was laughing as we did this but as each bench was leveled higher and higher against his door, I started feeling worse and worse. I became rather disgusted with everyone – including myself. So, what I decided to do was wait in front of his bunk until he got back from his day off. As he approached, the bunk, I could see that he was upset and had no clue of what do. Then he saw me. One-by-one, we took the benches down so he could get in his room. We both had tears in our eyes. As a result, I got a chance to really know him… and later he became my boyfriend!

I learned a very valuable lesson that day – don’t conform to peer group pressure and just follow

a pack. Be

yourself and

stand-up for what you believe in. That story makes me stronger.

Barbara Gross is a humorous motivational speaker/comedian. She embraces the unexpected of daily living with a smile using her “inner happy” as she believe you have a choice on how you react to any situation. You can laugh or cry; she chooses to laugh.

A Column

by Victoria Leo



Close your eyes and breathe deep. Now bring-to-mind someone that you felt inextricably drawn to, immediately upon meeting them. You wanted to realign your soul’s energy with their calm, centered energy – even when they were merely smiling benignly and not saying a word. You didn’t want to work the room for contacts. You had found the sun and didn’t need anything else. You soaked up the sustaining, empowering rays of that sun and left feeling fundamentally changed. In your memory, your face turns toward that sun, automatically, without conscious thought.

How would you like to BE that person? You can.

True wisdom relies on deep truths, not surface “feel good,” and it arises when your body, mind, and heart have the raw materials they need to start their own thermonuclear light-generation. The truly creative, innovative, break-out ideas that lead to sustainable income as well as life satisfaction, rely on a solid foundation of decidedly mundane-sounding activities: you need to stop being busy, busy, busy and focus your attention and your energy on 3-5 truly strategic self-care activities (and a similarly-small set of carefully selected business activities).

When you take care of your physical and emotional health in a truly strategic way, your face glows with the centered, calm energy that draws good people, and income, to you. I long to help people find this healthy place. To that end, I’ve created a free course - take the 30-day, five minutes/day challenge and see how your life shifts! This mini-class will guide you through five activities, totaling no more than five minutes per day, that have the highest return on investment of the hundreds of options I have studied.

When you don’t take care of your body, mind and heart, you are starving in the most fundamental way imaginable. So, in addition to your five-minute regimen, make sure that you get 7+ hours of sleep every night, that you eat only healthy food, and that you make time for non-career learning and for fun (even for 5-10 minutes) every day.

When you are physically, mentally and emotionally “fed” in your life, you’ll have time for friends, family, faith and fun, including exercise and hobbies. THAT’s when you get the break-out ideas and clever strategies that set you apart from the noisy marketplace; bringing you the real success that you crave in your career or business, and in your personal life. Joy as a natural outgrowth of self-love and self-care is your proven road to personal stardom.

A star shines by its own self-generated light and power, a power created by plentiful fuel. If your power is derived from what other people think and do, you’re not a star. You are merely a moon. You shine sometimes, but since the power is merely reflected from a star or planet, you can go dark for days or weeks. You are a powerless victim of other-power.

Remember that person you visualized at the start of this journey? S/he is a star, not a moon. Be the sun in your own life. Shut down what makes you a moon. Focus only on what makes you a star. Our own star (the sun) will shine brightly for billions more years, bringing life to an entire solar system. It brings light to the darkness of space regardless of whether any sentient creatures are watching or approving. Take a deep breath and start shining!

Star Light, Shine Bright!

Soar with Dragons

RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - Summer 2017 © All rights reserved.

Close your eyes and breathe deep. Now bring-to-mind someone that you felt inextricably drawn to, immediately upon meeting them. You wanted to realign your soul’s energy with their calm, centered energy – even when they were merely smiling benignly and not saying a word. You didn’t want to work the room for contacts. You had found the sun and didn’t need anything else. You soaked up the sustaining, empowering rays of that sun and left feeling fundamentally changed. In your memory, your face turns toward that sun, automatically, without conscious thought.

How would you like to BE that person? You can.

True wisdom relies on deep truths, not surface “feel good,” and it arises when

your body, mind, and heart have the raw materials they need to start their own thermonuclear light-generation. The truly creative, innovative, break-out ideas that lead to sustainable income as well as life satisfaction, rely on a solid foundation of decidedly mundane-sounding activities: you need to stop being busy, busy, busy and focus your attention and your energy on 3-5 truly strategic self-care activities (and a similarly-small set of carefully selected business activities).

When you take care of your physical and emotional health in a truly strategic way, your face glows with the centered, calm energy that draws good people, and income, to you. I long to help people find this healthy place. To that end, I’ve created a free course - take the 30-day,