RHG Magazine & TV Guide October 2019 | Page 8

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Meet Denise Hansard: Life Architect, Pricing Expert, Motivational Speaker

Denise is an expert in transformation for women - in their businesses and in their lives.

She says that her passion is to empower women to own their worth with the choices for life ... choices for growth, love beyond fear, consciousness to being present in all that they do and to discover their unique gift to give others. For women to ask for what they are worth

when it comes to compensation in their career and business. To own their beauty without comparison, their expertise with confidence and their sense of self fully. How does she do that? Read on to see for yourself!

~Share something you are passionate about:

As I have struggled in my life to embrace my own worthiness, my passion is to help women skillfully and simply learn the process of embracing their worthiness ... to love themselves from the inside so it will shine out to their world, to trust the process of letting go to allow for it all to come to them abundantly, and to trust that giving is the way to receive.

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

When I work with women, I help them to break down their past ... not give it up, just know it and allow it to work with them. The past can tie us down in a paralyzing way. Being able to see it for how it has shaped our lives to make us stronger will have us succeeding in our careers, our business, our relationships still being true to ourselves.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

1. Take time to hear your inner voice of truth ... not the ego self-deprecating voice, the voice of curiosity for growth

2. Use your fear to motivate you and not paralyze you

3. Everything in life is a choice ... let’s make them good ones.

~Will you share a client story?

One client, call her Debbie, was without a job for two years. Doubt clouded her mind. In our work, her doubt dissipated so she could take the needed steps to find herself again. She says, “Thank You ... for all of your help. You’ve nudged. You’ve (gently) pushed. You’ve taken me by the hand & have graciously told me to snap out of it! ☺” Offers are coming in. She can now choose.