RHG Magazine & TV Guide October 2019 | Page 6

anthology is that the spiritual growth of one person can impact the spiritual growth of us all. In this case, we hope to inspire transformational growth by reading about the experiences of others.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

Spirit is willing and eager to connect with each one of us, call it God, the angels, Divine Mother, or Source. Sometimes we can learn the most about ourselves by connecting with our spirit guides, or a divine presence that is larger than ourselves.

~Will you share a client success story?

One of my favorite client success stories was when the son of my client attended our session, although he had transitioned from his body by suicide a year earlier. He spoke lovingly to his mother and encouraged her to stop focusing on his death. He asked her to remember him as he had lived, and not as he died. Being intuitive, she was able to feel his presence. Our time together was healing for them both and resulted in an outpouring of love and support for other parents who had experienced similar loss.

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?

If you sense Spirit nudging you to open your heart or think about possibilties that you had never considered, I encourage you to live with abandon and consider that your spiritual

guides really do have your best interests at heart.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Part of my life's mission is to reduce the space, both literal and figurative, between the angelic and physical realms, and to help others connect with their spiritual divinity. I have learned that many religions do nothing more than divide us when all that our creator wants is for our loving connection with Him and with others.

For more information, Dr. Ruth can be reached at www.enlightenedworld.online

You can also find her on FB at https://www.facebook.com/dr.ruth.anderson