RHG Magazine & TV Guide October 2019 | Page 53

reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

We hold such powerful gifts and light within each of us. When this light is revealed, you will open up abilities within yourself that are extremely profound in their nature. You will come to understand that you carry God’s trademark and there are no limitations to source manifesting through your presence. With God All Things are Possible.

~Will you share a client success story?

Here's a bit from one of my clients: Beth is literally an out of this world healer! She has a true gift and is aligned with her true purpose! Having been a healer myself for over 20 years, I have experienced many forms of healing and I have yet to experience few that match the level of vibration that Beth operates from. She embodies the purest form of Divine energy and represents the Christ consciousness of our awakening planet. I sought assistance from Beth during one of the most

difficult times in my life. I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and I knew that I had some deep energy clearing that needed to be released. So, I reached out to Beth for her guidance and healing. Her initial assessment was done through remote scanning of my energies. I did not know that the exact same time she was scanning my energetic field, but I experienced a moment of knowing that the cancer had left my body – I felt it leave! Immediately following this experience, Beth called me and said the Jesus had come to her, letting her know that I did not have cancer. During our phone conversation, we both felt the power of Jesus. We agreed that I should come to her for a more thorough treatment. I followed up with her recommendation and additional treatment. Soon after that I decided, and I must add for deeper spiritual reasons than my diagnosis, to release my uterus and have surgery. I knew that I needed to let go of being the fixer, and for once become the patient instead of the doctor. After surgery my Greek oncologist came to see me and said, “We find no cancer!” Thank you, Beth, for assisting me during one of the most difficult times in my life – YOU are a true blessing to this world! Keep doing what you do – God needs YOU! Dr. Teresa Hazelwood.

~What piece of advice can you share today to empower our readers to SHINE?

Refrain from holding your magic back. You have unique gifts and qualities like no other and there is no one like you. Put the most supportive people around you to lift you up and help you succeed in your dreams/passion. Let your light shine so brightly that the world must wear shades to be in your presence. You may feel uncomfortable when you step out into new territory. This is where the growth takes place, and this is where you reveal the best version of you. You will SHINE your way to self-empowerment.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?

I had no idea that God would use me so powerfully. When I answered my divine calling, my whole world opened up to an oasis of extraordinary and supernatural experiences. Follow your inner intuition and move forward. This is God’s guidance beckoning you forward to unimaginable possibilities.


For more information, Beth can be reached at

www.UnlockYourSoulsPurpose.com * [email protected]