RHG Magazine & TV Guide New Year 2019 | Page 47

6 Months}, books, gift products and podcast... all packed with fresh tips, inspiring insights, ancient wisdom, and powerful strategies focused on financial self-care to thrive.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully??

A common characteristic of an under-earner is self-sabotage. Most of us are guilty of self- sabotage at one time or another. Please know you're not alone! Some of the common ways that self-sabotage shows up include procrastination; giving up in the 11th hour of our miracle; spending too much time "dreaming" and not enough "doing"; neglecting our self-care; being unforgiving when mistakes are made; not showing up; allowing negative people to zap our energy, enthusiasm and confidence... .It's important to understand how we sabotage our success, and we also need to understand why we're doing it.

and know that when you can name your self-limiting money beliefs, behaviors and patterns, you greatly increase your ability to change what no longer serves you. I want the reader to know that there is a very good reason for her money challenges and that she is not alone in those challenges. My hope is that my book will inspire her to seek a safe place to talk, learn and grow in her relationship to money and unfold her financial potential.

~Now we know you're doing a special best seller campaign launch on Amazon....where people will be able to purchase your powerful book for only $1 on Amazon! (For a 24 hr-72 hr window of time starting the day of your launch!!!) What advice or encouragement do you want to give our readers today to invite them to mark this date on the calendar?

Please join us July 18, 2018! As the inspiration behind MONEYWINGS™, my daughter and I are especially excited for this book-launch on her 11th birthday this year! We’d love for you to join us on July 18, 2018 as we celebrate! Please mark your calendar to purchase MONEYWINGS™ online for only $1. Consider gifting a loved one who is struggling with money challenges with a copy for only $1!

~What is something that those that purchase your book can look forward discovering? Can you give us a sneak preview of something in your powerful book?

It's a tender and exciting moment when you realize that you get to design and create your own financial dream. It leads you to the daring question that only you can decide: will you choose to do so? Here's the great news!

The moment you see that your financial power is not inside your bank account (or in any material possession you may or may not own) but already lies within you, it unlocks your freedom to soar. At the core, finances are a spiritual matter.

~What tip or piece of advise can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?

The money story you've lived in the past to this point does not matter except for the richest, most valuable lessons you employ for your next financial steps today, tomorrow and in the future. What matters most is what you choose to do next. Choose to love yourself enough to live the financial reality you deserve. Don't wait. Transformation takes time. It's an incredible feeling when you finally breakthrough your money challenges to reach the other side where your dream lies. It's an experience that no one can create for you, except you.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Your money story is sacred ground containing the very richest soil to cultivate a beautiful, meaningful, prosperous life. Growing moneywings™ is about staying true to yourself, listening to your heart, and letting love, not fear, lead the way. Even with every bit of preparation, you may never truly feel ready to leap, but I'm here to gently and positively remind you that you are equipped to fly and soar in your relationship to money. I hope this book supports and inspires you to choose to unfold your beautiful moneywings™.


~Will you share a client success story?

Coaching women around their relationship to money is a huge honor and joy. I have the

pleasure of witnessing many benefits clients experience in reward for their commitment, courage, creativity and compassion when it comes to their financial self-care. Not only do clients experience increased income, but also many other positive outcomes beyond material wealth such as an increased positive outlook, healthier relationships with loved ones, more down-time, weight-loss and improved financial habits. Learning about money is so much more than just money. Clients discover how to work smarter-not harder, feel healthier and happier.

~What tip or piece of advise can you share with our reader today to empower

them to SHINE?

Above all, remember that Change begins with choice. It begins with you. I encourage you to create a list of what is stopping you from allowing your financial success to unfold. Is it Fear? Is it lack a support system for your journey, could it be that you're relying on someone or some circumstance to save you, or maybe relying on someone to figure things out for you... is it that your work is not aligned with your values, strengths, skills or passion? The important thing is to be honest with yourself and write it down. Awareness is key.

~Any final thought or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

Gently and bravely take ownership of your choices, remembering you are not alone! Together, when we take responsibility for our financial life -- with compassion, forgiveness and determination -- we give ourselves the power to transform our financial circumstances and positively impact those around us. Now is the time to embrace your unique value and gifts that you have been given to experience the prosperity, peace and joy that you deserve. Now is the time to love MORE and fear LESS, as you unfold your feminine power to prosper!

For more information, Marlene Elizabeth can be reached at MONEYWINGS™

www.marleneelizabeth.com * [email protected] * (909) 247-1127