RHG Magazine & TV Guide New Year 2019 | Page 15

Transform Your Life with the Power of Your Inner Voice

RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - New Year 2019 © All rights reserved.

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Your inner voice is a wonderful gift, that expresses the honest feelings of your authentic self, and is the source of your inspiration, creativity, and intuition. By listening to your inner voice, you can gain insight into what makes you truly happy and unhappy. You can also gain the power to transform your life into one that is more vibrant and fulfilling.

Unfortunately, most of us don't listen our inner voices because we’re too busy juggling all of the responsibilities and demands of our daily lives in this modern era. In the digital age in which we are living, it seems life has placed even more demands on our time and energy.

The good news is that regardless of how busy or hectic your life may be, there are ways to filter out the distractions so you can hear this wonderful ‘gift’, your inner voice. As you reconnect with your authentic self, you can use that gift to guide you to the things that will bring more joy, progress, and peace into your life.

Use these strategies to filter out the noise of daily life and harness the power of your inner voice:

* Make time for reflection. One way to get in touch with your inner voice is to set aside a regular time for self-reflection. Think about the things in your life that are going well and that make you happy, as well as the things that you’re dissatisfied with.

* Seek out a place and time for your moments of self-reflection where you can be alone and uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes.

* Choose a place where you can relax. If you find it easier to practice self-reflection by taking a relaxing nature walk, performing some gentle stretching exercises or practicing controlled breathing, this is fine as well.

* It's important to be honest and open with yourself as you reflect on your life, so that you can hear your true inner voice. Ignore the critical voices from the past and avoid letting society tell you how to live your life.

* Reflect on how you truly feel about the direction your life is taking.

* Write down the thoughts, impressions, and dreams that emerge during your self-reflection time. Once you begin to practice self-reflection on a regular basis, you’ll start to hear your true inner voice. It's helpful to record the insight that you gain.

* Making lists, keeping a journal, or even sharing your impressions with a close friend can help you to focus on the areas that you want to change in order to bring more happiness and joy into your life.

“An obstacle is often a stepping stone." – Prescott