RHG Magazine & TV Guide July 2020 | Page 5

Meet Matt Granados: President and Co-Founder of Life Pulse

We hope you enjoy this chance to "meet" Matt. Over the last decade, Matt has tested, developed and helped thousands of others implement an effective and easy to duplicate system that will help you build an unbreakable foundation for your life as well as motivate even the most unmotivated individuals in your life. His company, Life Pulse, combats two of the biggest problem plaguing individuals' ability to perform both personally and professionally. The first - an issue with bandwidth. LP's systems solve both of these.

Matt is also an author and is going to share with us a bit about his newest book. Read on for more about this dynamic leader's work...

~Share something you are passionate about:

I spend my day making sure that I am following my purpose and allowing my passions to be inline with my purpose. My purpose in life is to grow myself in order to help others reach their full potential. This is why I am so passionate about being a husband, father, mentor, and coach.

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

I’ve spent the last decade plus helping individuals in my personal company as well others all over the world to understand the value of living an intentional life. Recognizing this takes a minute but making it a lifestyle use to a challenge each day. We have taken the time to study and test the principles in this book so that we can make it easy to make it part of your lifestyle. Once we are able to do that, the content is no longer needed to be remembered, but instead is desired by the individual because of the feeling of fulfillment they experience.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Motivate The Unmotivated: The Proven System for Sustainable Motivation:

Systems make the world go round and if you study a process enough, you will find that there are clues we can leverage to get the results that we want. When you read this book you will be able to find the main thing that is holding you back from motivating others. You will also see the simple small takes you can take with anyone you want to motivate. Those who read this book and implement the system we unveil get to experience the joy of motivating others vs the challenges.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

1. Be honest with yourself and know what you want.

2. Create income streams from your investments to have opportunities to enjoy retirement.

3. Spend time with people who make you happy. That is so incredibly important in life.

~Will you share a client success story?

I’d love to. A client of mine has a sailboat and has about 15,000 a month worth of expenses in retirement. Him and his wife love traveling, spending time with their children and being on their boat. I was able to create income streams from their investments that could possibly last their lifetime and allow them to have the freedom and flexibility to choose how they want to live their lives.