small step adds up and leads to big changes in the behaviors that you are wanting to change.
~ Will you share a client success story?
Here's a few words from one of my clients,Brigitte Ranae who is an author and life coach: "Dr. Keough’s book is a one-stop shop for overall health with life changing methodologies. Using her strategies, I lost 60 pounds in 8 months without exercising, and my body is now in remission from autoimmune disease. Buy it! Use it! Enjoy life!"
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Everyone needs to find a doctor that they trust, BUT it is so important to question, research and learn as much about health and specific topics that pertain to yourself so you can make educated decisions for you and your family’s health care. There is nothing wrong with questioning your doctor or getting a second and third opinion when it comes to your health. Ultimately, you are responsible for your health and the health of your children.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?
You are powerful beyond measure and your choices can either create a happy, healthy life or the opposite of that. Ask yourself each day what you can do to each day to live your best life and add value.
For more information, you can contact Dr. Keough-Bligh at
or on FB, IG, or youtube (Keough Chiropractic/ Dr Felicity Keough-Bligh)
Would You Like to Open the Doors to Hundreds of Speaking Opportunities with Only One 7-Minute Audition?
Rebecca created the Speaker Talent Search to help speakers, experts and messengers connect with speaking opportunities. How's it work? You apply and audition with a 7-minute video. We put together a panel of amazing leaders, show hosts, and networks. They review your audition and give feedback. The panel is always packed with people who are looking for great talent like you!
She has collaborated with other leaders in the community, radio show hosts, Networks (TV and Radio), TV Show Hosts, and Event Leaders that are also looking for speakers for their live and virtual events, radio shows, teleclasses, video series, and live stages. This is a wonderful opportunity to be seen, heard, expand your audience and your impact!
Rebecca is looking for speakers in following topic areas: body, mind, spirit, business, health, leadership, legal, marketing, organizing, and sales. If you're ready to take a risk and step into your message, the Speaker Talent Search is a great next step for you! Apply here: