RHG Magazine & TV Guide Fall 2017 | Page 38

“Beauty beckons us,” Eldredge writes. “Beauty invites us. Come, explore, immerse yourself.”

It’s the reason that we put color on our walls or create a feast when a frozen pizza would do. The reason we stop to enjoy a dandelion that has, against all odds, grown up in between the cracks of asphalt in the parking lot.

Those flowers left along Main Street act as pointers. Pointers to a place deep in our souls that resonates with the idea that life is about more than finishing our task list or making more money. That there is more. In the end, that beauty does save the world.

So, dear one, let me ask you: How are you doing at recognizing the pointers? Are you taking the time to see beauty? And what about leaving pointers as you go about life?  How are you leaving beauty imprints on the world around you? 

Shannon S. McKee is communicator at heart. She is a writer, editor, and speaker. She writes at www.shannonsmckee.com.

Her other titles include: Grace-dweller. Lover of Rick. Momma to 2. Communicator. Compassionate Entrepreneur. Putterer. Consumer of Dark Chocolate.


A Column

by Danielle Nistor

Divine Connections

RHG Magazine & TV Guide TM - Fall/Winter 2017 © All rights reserved.

I believe that celebrating the change of seasons it is a good opportunity to reconnect with what is truly important, our goals and dreams. Every new season comes and brings new energies that support our life and work when acknowledge and integrated correctly. The end of the year is an even stronger period that fully supports us in the process of recreating our lives and start rejuvenated anew a fresh journey of life.

I want to invite you, now into a journey of acknowledgment and integration. The time has come to observe, acknowledge, learn from and integrate a year of self discovery, a year of good work.

Invite in front of you, the essence of 2017 – your year of living fully, working, playing, investing, creating new relationships. Give it permission to appear in front of you energetically: as a symbol, a ball of light or just as a memory.

Breathe in, and make connection with it from your heart, now. Please take the time to reminiscence: to remember important moments of 2017 to accept their teachings, embrace their lessons and integrate them with joy. Offer gratitude to every person and situation that supported your success in 2017. In your mind, bow in front of them; exchange a smile and a blessing with each and every one of them.

Declare to the Universe: “My 2017 was a good year a year of foundation for my future success, abundance and fulfillment. I am grateful for a good year. I did my best and I am ready for a new beginning –a new year. I invite the potentials of the new year 2018 to embrace the energies of 2017; now making room and creating roots for my new beginning which is supported by my actions and my decisions.”

Connect and receive now in the palms of your hands the essence of the Spirit of 2018. Ask your Higher Self to bless it and to harmonize it to your own frequency. Bring your hands to your heart and nourish it with your love saying “You are welcome in my life. I declare you as a year of success, abundance and fulfillment.” So be it and So it is!

As a new year starts now for you what area of your life, do you choose to dedicate more time now, in order to fully shine your purpose and your calling?

What is it most important for you to do right now in your life?

Breathe in and out, and give yourself permission to be fully present now and to connect with The Spirit of your Business and its wisdom and power now. What is the next step that you are inspired to bring in your work? Listen to it, trust and act toward it. Trust and know that you are important, that you are always loved and always supported by the Universe.

The world needs your authentic self; the world needs your light.

It is your life. Live it fully. Live it with purpose.

Celebrating a Year of Transformation
