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For more information, Sheryl can be reached at www.sherylglick.com
[email protected] * FB & TW: @ Sheryl Glick
life is. As a Reiki practitioner I offered to send distant healing and while in meditation, sensed there were two veins hanging very low in the pelvic area and while there was no pain, it simply did not feel right. Months later, she told me they had scheduled a caesarian delivery 6 weeks before the due date. My colleague was very worried and I offered again to send distant healing, expressing to spirit that it would be simply wonderful if the baby and mother had the easiest and best experience that would lead to the best results. A few days later the grandmother to be told me in a reverent way that everything had changed and it wasn’t necessary for her daughter to have an early delivery. Her daughter had a natural delivery and all went well for both mother and child. I reminded them that this was a blessed Reiki baby and a true miracle had happened.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
In order to shine, you simply have to remember the light and divinity within your heart and the love you have for life expecting that your needs will be met and even exceeded if you trust in the Divine plan and stop fighting or doubting your ability to bring goodness from within into the world. It is a matter of knowing who you are the light the lives within each of us that makes you shine for all to shine.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers
Sheryl would hope that during this time of spiritual evolution, everyone allows themselves to grow their soul energy and to open their minds and hearts, observing the great gift of life and to be brave, bold and courageous citizens incorporating universal qualities of love.