RHG Magazine September 2022 | Page 7

RHG MagazineTM - September 2022 © All rights reserved.

transformational stories as their legacy of wisdom gained from life's lessons.


Establish Priorities

Living with intention is the way I define establishing my priorities. It is more about living by my values and impacting the world by using my voice to share the story I'm here to share. Which is much bigger than just following a To Do list as if it were a grocery list. 


My dream to become a writer began when I started keeping a journal at the age of 11. I sought ways to use my passion as the Humor Editor of the Adams High School Tiger Tales. My job was finding cartoons to copy onto the mimeographed pages of the school newspaper. Later, I had a poem published in the Junior College literary magazine, where I pursued a One Year Secretarial Certificate. A career as a writer was not practical for a farmer's daughter, but it was possible to make a living as a secretary.


When my dream of being a mother was in jeopardy because of undiagnosed infertility, I took myself to the University of Minnesota School of Journalism. Life was not cooperating with the plan, so I made a new plan. I said Yes to the new plan and, in doing so, realized the dream of motherhood via adoption and the status of being a college graduate.


I kept showing up to make choices for myself so that while the twists and turns of life slowed me down, they did not stop me. 


Don't let life's interruptions become roadblocks for you.

before embarking on a plan. By embracing the vision, you will already have lived your dream and step into the picture you designed for yourself.


Writing my book has always been my dream. After my second breast cancer diagnosis, I made myself a priority in my life. I would no longer wait to write my book, "The Secret Artist." My second and now my third diagnosis has put me on a path to practice radical self-care to give myself permission to explore creative pursuits. My self-care includes simple pleasures like savoring a cup of tea, sinking into a hot bubble bath, meeting my girlfriend for a workshop adventure, or attending a silent retreat to spend quiet time listening to my inner thoughts.


My current dream come true is the role of compiler of a collaboration book, "In Her Own Words." Using my skills as a journalist (and as a participant in many collaboration books), I help empower women to share their transformational stories as their legacy of wisdom gained from life's lessons.