RHG Magazine September 2022 | Page 29

For more information, Dr. Kas can be reached on her website at:

https://kashenry.com/EnnobledForSuccess or via email: [email protected]

By co-creating deeply meaningful anthologies to light up the authorship journey for others to shine their light (Ennobled for Success™ Publishing)

By guiding the art of perspective taking to optimize personal influence for successfully living one’s purpose through my weekly international live podcast Unleash Your Inner Goldilocks™, How to Get It Just Right!

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Ennobling Business for Success: Inspire, Ignite, Influence:

Readers will discover the 3-step process to living their full leadership potential, each intentionally curated.

1. Inspire: Inspire the human spirit so each soul feels valued and could live its full potential.

2. Ignite: Ignite the sense of purpose to mindfully build a fulfilling life.

3. Influence: Influence by design to thrive and leave a legacy of ennobling.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers to help them step forward in their life powerfully? 

* Connect with your BEING to purposefully channel all your DOING.

* You are NOT a single story but an ever-evolving epic! Intentionally step into your greatness and be the joyful author of your life message.

* Just like a flower in a magnificent garden, grow at your phase and bloom when it’s your time!

~Will you share a client success story?

I returned home to Sri Lanka for Tsunami relief work in the same city that gave me a home when I was a refugee child during our racially motivated civil war. I had the honor of facilitating post trauma transition to daily life. There was a 3-yearold refusing to talk to her mother because mom chose to hold onto the newborn when the Tsunami hit their community. That mother made the best choice on her worst day and had to courageously face the consequences for the rest of her life. Two lives forever transformed that day. Hers, and mine!


~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?

Your power and light come from within. Invest your time and effort to find the divine within you and build an unbreakable relationship with your soul. Then channel that divine soul by mindfully transcending all externalities to light up your purpose filled journey. Before you realize it, you will be shining your light for others to seek their own light! Remember, you can only give what you have. Therefore, you must find it for yourself first.


~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share today?

Life is not a binary proposition. Good or bad, right or wrong, black or white – they are all extreme ends of the spectrum of choices.  Life is about choices and the consequences of those choices. Let the divine within you guide your choices so you can inspire others, ignite purpose, and influence meaningful change.