RHG Magazine September 2021 | Page 32

start the book with, and that all the others depend on, is having a growth mindset. That is, believing you can change and grow is the most valuable, core skill you can develop. Without it, everything is an open and shut case. Once you embrace it, just about anything is possible.

The superpower of storytelling applies to anyone. To use a story to illustrate or convince is to understand whom you are taking to and search for a metaphor that meets them halfway and helps them understand your point. It’s a great life skill. Without it, you’re left with rhetoric and one-sided conversations.

~Can you share a client success story?

One of our biggest successes was helping a client who was in the in-line gaming space grow from 200 to 20000 simultaneous players. That’s the kind of increase that can really move the needle. We worked together with their team to reengineer the system and the results were eye-popping.


~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today?

When I quit drinking and using nicotine, I made a promise to myself that I would become a professional writer. Everything I’ve done, since quitting, has been with that goal in mind. I really want to work for myself and write to inspire and entertain people. I hope people will see the truth in my book and help me to achieve this goal. I believe I have an incredible amount of love to share with the world. I just need an audience to share it with. 

For more information, Michael can be reached at LinkedIn, Twitter @MichaelLaVista

or via email at [email protected].

to reengineer the system and the results were eye-popping. 

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers today to empower them to SHINE?

I really resisted advice and coaching early in my career. One of my motivations for writing the book was to try to save someone a decade of banging their head against the wall and trying to figure everything out from scratch. These ideas are ones in might have resisted in the beginning. Maybe these ideas are the ones that resonate with a reader. But keep searching out other voices to find ones that work for you. Don’t try to do it all on your own.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?

One of the superpowers is learning. Never stop learning and questioning. The world changes quickly and that speed continues to accelerate. What you know now could be out of date and not useful in just a few years. Keep seeking out new ideas and thinkers.