RHG Magazine May 2022 | Page 32

Meet Chris Williams and

Martha Hanlon: Authors and Founders of Wide Awake Business

~Share something you are passionate about:

We're passionated about showing business owners how to create an easier, simpler and more profitable business…because most seem to know how to make things harder.

~What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?

This is work we and our team do every day in Wide Awake Business.  This is not theory.  It’s real-world wisdom based on real-world results.  We’ve engaged with 6,102 clients over our 14 years in business through coaching, mentoring, advising and doing.  Now through the book we are able to share this wisdom and approach to an easier, simpler and more profitable business with even more business owners.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Shine Baby Shine It’s NOW or Never:

The reader will discover that each of us are here to walk our own path and discover that we all have our personal struggles. And loving who you are and accepting all of you, life will unfold. Living in the NOW can happen.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?

1. Write on your mirror three words that are positive and describes your soul.

2. Meditate daily

3. Get out into nature and breathe.

~Will you share a client success story? While teaching a yoga class on opening up the heart chakra. One of the ladies started crying, as I went and handed her a tissue she smiled at me through her wet eyes and said, “Thank You. It has been months since I felt any love for myself. You just helped open me up so I can see clearly again.”

~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE? Promise yourself today you will release all labels you have allowed others, your environment, or religious believes that have been attached to you and look deep inside your soul and create your new truths. Make a promise to yourself you will never divorce yourself again.

~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers today? Final thought: be kind to yourself, be authentic, always remember you are love, your are divine and you are enough. You are PERFECT!

leader to excel, a team to follow in harmony and a customer to buy (or not). Chris Williams:  Chris is a master coach/advisor and an expert in generating customers and boosting revenue for small to medium-sized businesses with 6,102 business owners relying on her and that of Wide Awake Business to boost their revenues by more than $731 million dollars. Read on to lear more about their latest book offering...

the book we are able to share this wisdom and approach to an easier, simpler and more profitable business with even more business owners.

~Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Rise Up, Leader:  Lead Yourself. Lead Your Team. Lead Your Legacy:

Your #1 responsibility in your business is to Rise Up everyone around you, starting with yourself, then your team and your legacy.  That’s it…nothing is more important to the success of you and your business.

~What are 1-3 tips you can give our reader to help them step forward in their life powerfully? 

Rising UP starts with you. The two most important things for a leader to work on within themselves are to know what your values are and to build trust in yourself.  Then others will trust you, too.  Next, integrate your values into your culture so your team is aligned and delivers those values every day in the work they do.  Finally, use your values in your hiring process to find people who not only have the skills you seek, they also embrace your values-based culture.

These two dynamic women cofounded Wide Awake Business. They work with business owners to accelerate their leadership acumen, to “rise up” to meet the challenges inherent in growing a business. Our singular drive is for leaders to create easier, simpler and more profitable businesses . . . without dedicating longer and longer hours. Martha Hanlon is a master coach/mentor who excels at seeing and hearing what most businesses struggle to uncover--what truly motivates a leader to excel, a team to follow in harmony and a customer to buy (or not).