Meet Autry L. Denson, Jr: Author and Philantropist
Autry describes himself as "a servant leader determined to serve my Savior by loving His people." He is in the process of creating the Denson Family Legacy. Their mission is to allow their faith in God to be the foundation of their family. Whereby living according to Biblical principles of stewardship, people can experience financial freedom, so that they might be free to engage in a lifestyle of philanthropy that creates hand-ups that positively affect the future of others. Their purpose is to change the world one God-honoring interaction at a time.
As a Creative Publishing Consultant, Designer, and Imagineer, Cathy Davis helps hundreds of authors, each year, create
positive ripples around the planet. Read on to learn about Cathy's passions and the book she is releasing this Fall!
Read on...
the world one God-honoring interaction at a time. Read on for a peek into this humble leader's heart...
~ Share something you are passionate about:
I am passionate about my relationship with Christ and loving His people to excellence in Christ.
~ What are some ways you are helping to bring this forward in the world?
Some of the ways my family and I bring this forward is through modeling random acts of kindness on a daily basis. Random acts of kindness is when we are intentional to do
something for someone else or say something encouraging for the sole reason of showing the love of Christ. Another way is through our family legacy, which the goal is to develop a legacy of financially free individuals that can engage in a lifestyle of philanthropy. My dream for my children, their children, and their children is that every day that God wakes them up, their job will be to invest all 1,440 minutes of their day into looking for ways to help improve the lives of other people, through our family concept of hand-ups.
~ Describe something our readers today can look forward to discovering in your book, Running by Faith: 2-Minute Devotionals with Eternal Impact:
My prayer is that someone who reads my book can come away with answers to their everyday changing problems or circumstances, by applying these infallible, unchanging Biblical principles that are rooted in the word of God.
spark inside which allows us to face-
forward and be willing to step into
whatever challenge lies in front of us.
These 40 unique stories highlight how
owning our G.R.I.T. lights us on fire —
creating a metallurgy, a purification of
sorts — a process allowing us to strip
down to our truest and best selves.
~ What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers today to help them step forward in their life powerfully?
We invite you to step forward and join us as we harness our GRIT . . .
• GROWTH pushes us forward and
keeps us moving in a good direction.
• RESILIENCE bounces us back up when we get knocked down.
• INTENTION keeps determined and focused on the prize.
• TENACITY will never let us get worn down (for too long).
back and wait to see what’s going to happen. If you want something, go make it happen.
BELIEVE. Believe in yourself, your dreams, your ability. Dig deep and believe good things will happen. Know in your heart that out of chaos comes calm — ALWAYS.
CONNECT. Everyone is rowing their own boat on choppy waters right now. If you see someone struggling, reach out, extend a hand. Now is not the time to isolate, but now IS the time to create connections and community. connected with nature.
3. Spend time with people who make you happy. That is so incredibly important in life.
~Will you share a client success story?
I’d love to. A client of mine has a sailboat and has about 15,000 a month worth of expenses in retirement. Him and his wife love traveling, spending time with their children and being on their boat. I was able to create income streams from their investments that could possibly last their lifetime and allow them to have the freedom and flexibility to choose how they want to live their lives.