RHG Magazine March 2023 | Page 8

RHG MagazineTM - March 2023 © All rights reserved.

Mary E. Knippel, best selling author, your writing mentor, and inspirational speaker uses her 30-years experience as a journalist to support you to take pen in hand to unleash your story worth writing. To read her blog and sign up to receive writing tips and techniques check out her website below.

And then 18 years after the second diagnosis, came the third surgery. Time to examine the relationship between the choices I’ve made and where I’ve been sacrificing myself because I thought I was the only one who could provide the solution.


The wisdom I’ve gained from coming through this particular hurricane, my third breast cancer experience, is that I am not anybody else’s savior. My life is the only one I’m here to make choices for. My life is the only one I’m ultimately responsible for. I must choose according to my conscience and who I am being in the moment.


I’m delighted to report that I feel great! Yes, I had to have radiation this time around. However, I made sure I had something wonderful to look forward to after the radiation was finished. My husband and I had already scheduled a trip to London for our 50th wedding anniversary. I was determined nothing would interfere with our trip. I finished four weeks of treatment on Friday. The next day we were on a plan to London. The trip was glorious, with us attending plays at night and wandering the museums and street fairs during the day.


Yes, rain will fall into our lives. The question is will you choose to do? Will you benefit from the growth?


I suggest choosing the attitude that after the rain, the sun will indeed shine, and sometimes a rainbow follows as you create your own Rainy Day Story.


Wishing you gentle rain, double rainbows and the joy of living a life unleashed!