leaders step forth and share their own empowering stories of self-healing, triumph and transformation in order to inspire others to live to their highest potential. By sharing these stories, the co-author’s offer hope and guidance to others as they evolve into a more enlightened way of being and a more purposeful way of living.
~ What are 1-3 tips you can give our readers today to help them step forward in their lives powerfully?
The number one thing a person can to to step forward in their life powerfully is to be clear about who they are and exactly what they want to accomplish.
A second thing I would mention here is that it is important to share your story with others. By sharing we find connection, inspiration and support from others.
Likewise, listen to the stories of others. By listening deeply you will hear commonalities and clues to your own soul’s evolution.
~ Will you share a client success story?
I once met a health coach while speaking in Las
For more information, Aeriol can be reached at www.aeriolascher.com
IG: @askaeriol * [email protected]
Vegas at a big women’s conference. She was feeling frustrated in her business because she felt she had more to offer clients than what her business currently reflected. She decided to get more visible by participating in one of my book compilation and media visibility projects. Here is what she said the day after our book launch: “I am so grateful for Aeriol's strong leadership and the big vision that she held for us.... I feel so proud to be a part of this amazing book project and to be a #1 Best-Selling Author, honestly, has still not fully landed yet. OMG...I was a part of something miraculous!! It's truly a gift...thank you so much.” It makes me absolutely giddy that she was so delighted by the results.
~ What tip or piece of advice can you share with our readers to empower them?
You matter. Your voice matters. Your story matters. Who you are matters. Once you develop the Self-Love and the Self-Awareness around your own worth you can get out of your own way and really let yourself SHINE!
~ Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
Follow your passion and always do what really makes your heart sing. These are huge clues to you about your life purpose and how you should best spend your time and energy. There will always be challenges in life, but if you are connected to your passion and purpose you will be able to persevere and rise above to a greater and stronger you.