~Will you share a client success story?
A client of mine had implemented transformational change projects in the past but the change didn’t stick. The team found workarounds and went back to the old ways of doing things and descended into finger pointing and blame. The project we worked on together was delivered on time, with a groundswell of positive support from the organization. They were aligned on people-centered change.
~What tip or piece of advice can you share with our reader today to empower them to SHINE?
Your uniqueness can be successful in many ways. Have the courage to bring it forward and collaboratively intertwine it with others. It’s more powerful when done together.
~Any final thought, share, or idea that you would like to share with our readers?
We are at our best when we are both shining our uniqueness and collaboratively building on each other’s uniqueness.
For more information, Charlotte can be found online at
Reflections Your SHINE from Rebecca...
This issue is packed with great information, impactful insights, and transformational tips to help support you to take the center stage of your life and SHINE! Not just survive, but to be able to THRIVE! Sometimes we can hold back, not fully show up or operating in an autopilot/automatic way…instead you can choose to mindfully and purposefully fully show up and share the gift of who you are with the world! You are a gift and add a special sparkle to the world and to all of those around you as you lean in, share your heart and are willing to SHINE.
To support you, we have added some reflection questions to help you stop, pause, reflect, and take purposeful action. So, grab your journal and take a moment to ask the following questions and listen to/write down your answers...then take purposeful and balanced action towards your goals.
* What article, tip, spotlight, share impacted you and why?
* What can you do today to stop,
pause, and bring you forward?
* What step can you take today
to share more of your gifts and
talents with the world?
* What are you choosing to
meditate on, reflect on that
can bring your gifts and love to
the world?
* What are you thankful for?
* What is something you can
stop, pause and celebrate?
We look forward to seeing you
share the gift of you in a powerful,
purposeful and loving way with
the world.