RHG Magazine July 2022 | Page 6

Summer can be a time of sizzle with fireworks and special celebrations. It can also be a time when we want to retreat and listen to our own thoughts. We may even savor the many gifts we've been given. We are halfway through another year, and I hope it is a beautiful time of spiritual reflection for you. Heaven knows if your life is anything like mine (and I think that we are kindred spirits here), this year has been a challenge in body, mind, and spirit. I feel I'm coming out of a long season of learning life's lessons into a new time bursting with electricity, charged with enthusiasm and boundless energy. 

What does time alone have to do with sharing the wisdom of your life lessons and shining the in your own life? Well, this is what I've observed. 

No matter what era you were born, women have expectations drummed into them from when they are in the womb. Growing up in the '50s, I assumed I'd work until I got married, have babies, and spend the rest of my life taking care of my husband, house, and grandchildren. It didn't quite work that way for me, nor has it turned out that way for many women...


Is this you?

·      Have you been hiding by holding back for fear of rejection, ridicule or repercussions?

·      Have you been hiding in the background and spending your whole life making sure that

everyone else in your life basks in the glow of being the center of attention? 

·      Have you been taking a backseat in your own life to allow others in your life to shine, while

you defer to them…wait for your turn…acquiesce to what everyone else wants to do?

·      Have you been hiding your true hopes, dreams and desires while encouraging others to

pursue their passions?

·      Have you been hiding your longing to break from the routine and assumptions?

·      Have you been hiding by telling yourself it doesn't matter if you don't get what you want as

long as everyone else is happy (fill in the blank of who everyone else is: ________)?


Well, it does matter! And it's time to stop hiding and unleash your star power. It's time to take center stage in your life, shine and be seen, pump up the volume of your voice, share your story, and lavish yourself with all the nurturing you have generously bestowed on others.


I am no longer hiding!


After years of being afraid to show up as me, for fear of rejection, or that I wasn't good enough, hiding took its toll on my body, mind, and spirit. Our dreams and desires may be out of sight, but they do not stay hidden. They manifest in ways as small as an uneasy feeling, to the stress that leads (as in my case) to annoying skin rashes, repeating vertigo incidents and multiple breast cancer diagnoses.


I have weathered my dark night. I am an extraordinary human being because of those challenges and determined to claim my place in the world.


Making the decision to claim my voice as a writer and a speaker was huge for me. I was never encouraged to be a writer. It wasn't practical for a farmer's daughter. It was more realistic to become a secretary. 


I rewrote and star in my story. Today, I am a catalyst for other women to tell their story. I am continuing my dream of making a difference by stepping into a new role as a compiler of an anthology. It fills me with such great joy. 


Perhaps these tips will inspire you to find ways to shine as the star in your own life:

1.    Be authentic in your search to take center stage. Doing what you love will make your inner glow visible to others through your happy attitude and radiant smile.

2.    Treat others the way you want to be treated. Unfortunately, the Covid situation has us hiding our faces, which means we must speak with our eyes and physical gestures so that people know we care.

3.    Do what you love because you love it and not to please anyone else. There is a big difference between "have to" as motivation as opposed to the "get to" perform a task or undertake an activity. When we were younger, waiting until we were older to assume some responsibility was a hardship. We wanted to be seen and noticed by the world. And especially to be contributing members of the household. It's the same today; as adults, we want to be contributing members of society. We want to make a difference. Keep in mind the pride you had as a child when you could be trusted to do something yourself. Translate that same pride in using your gifts to have an impact on the world. 

4.    Find out what your gifts are and share them with others. Perhaps as a business. Perhaps as a volunteer. If you are not sure what your gifts are, explore your skills by volunteering: a community center, hospital, retirement home, daycare, after-school program, or a non-profit for a cause you believe in.

5.    Challenge yourself with goals and practice self-care. Perhaps self-care is your challenge. Why not make it a goal to take better care of yourself? There are many ways you can accomplish goals, challenge yourself to change your habits, and practice self-care simultaneously. From nutrition & exercise to meditation and journaling, you can begin to incorporate a new mindset to achieve a better you.



Being a star in your own life and shining as the unique individual you are has nothing to do with the glamor and glitz of Hollywood or social media-engineered updates. It has everything to do with you being confident in yourself, speaking up, and showing up as a leader for yourself and those who need you. 


Whether you ever have your picture on the cover of a magazine or be interviewed by Oprah, I guarantee that you have star power just being yourself. You have an invisible energetic pull when you share your distinctive gifts. No one else can be inside your skin. No one else can star in your life. You are the only one who can choose to show up and be seen as the incredible individual you are.


It’s time to show up and shine as the star of your life!


I can’t wait to meet you!

Unleash Your Star Power

RHG MagazineTM - July 2022 © All rights reserved.