RHG Magazine July 2021 | Page 6

Yes, I said you can change them. Ok. Ok. I realize there is a lot we can’t change—the weather, for instance, gravity or the seasons. Yet, there are many, many opportunities where you and I can directly influence the outcome.

Such as? How about your attitude? How about your behavior? How about who you spend time with?

After my second breast cancer diagnosis, I decided that I’d make myself a priority in my life. My recovery depended on me rewriting my story. Writing has always been a way for my head to communicate with my heart. Since going through this life experience has become even more important as a healing tool in processing the messages I am here to deliver to the world.

I’m here to say that although you may not know it yet, you have a message to deliver to the world as well.

Calm down. Take a breath. I am not suggesting that you are destined to take up the mantle of “writer.” I am inviting you to consider Michelle Obama’s quote from the beginning of this piece. Journaling is how you start to own your story.

Journaling is a simple way for you to discover your story. Putting pen to paper is a fantastic way to receive messages from your soul by simply being open to receiving a daily download.

Don’t worry about having a beautiful leather-bound journal or that you won’t know what to say. I guarantee that all you have to do is keep your hand moving across the page. It doesn’t matter if you use a spiral-bound notebook or a beautiful flowery journal. The important thing is that you show up on the page every day for at least five minutes. Setting a timer for those five minutes keeps you from looking at the clock during the writing session. The idea is to write. Don’t think about if you misspelled something, wonder if you needed a comma or semi-colon. Write. And keep writing for a solid five minutes. 

As for wondering what to write, here’s one suggestion:

1. Put the time and date at the top of the page.

2. Give a brief description of where you are sitting (i.e., my kitchen table, local library,

favorite coffee shop, etc.)


(continued on page 8)


And no, I’m not your fairy godmother who will wave a magic wand to make all of your dreams come true.

You are the one with the magic wand. It’s at the end of your fingertips when you pick up a pen to write.

I am someone who believes adamantly in the power of the pen.

You can rewrite your story to be the Star of your life. If things are not happening that you don’t like, you can change them.


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