RHG Magazine January 2022 | Page 43

RHG Magazine TM - January 2022 © All rights reserved.

your emotions. Here’s an acupressure technique that you can do many times during the day to help you feel calm. And, it’s so subtle, no one will even know you’re doing it.

This self-soothing technique is called Jumper Cabling. Gently cup the thumb and each finger of one hand with your other hand. Hold each finger while you slowly breathe in and out a couple times. Then switch hands. It helps to get rid of worry, fear, anger, sadness, and trying too hard.

3. Set positive intentions for yourself.

Take time to visualize abundance so that you can step forward with purpose toward your goal for the day — and the year!  As you visualize, give yourself a hug. Holding the upper arms connects with energy balance areas that open up breath and create space to receive. 

Then, place your right hand anywhere on your right kidney and your left hand on the left kidney. Take a few slow, deep breaths as you connect with energy points that help you manifest your destiny!

It is easy to follow your dreams and keep those New Year’s resolutions when your energy aligns with your goals and desires. Create miracles this year! I wish you ease and calm as you help your body create the miracle of abundance and prosperity! May 2022 be ALL you want it to be!

1. Begin a daily practice that puts your body in balance.

I start my day doing the Daily Clean Your House Flow. It’s a 9-step self-help acupressure flow that you can do in 5 to 10 minutes. You can expand it into a meditation and affirmation practice. Many of my clients and students (of all ages) do the Daily Flow at least twice a day. 

Go to my website to get the animated video of the Daily Flow. It’s my gift to you. Just click on the button “Stay in Touch.” If you’d like a print version with instructions, please reach out by email, and I’ll send it to you: deborah@ deborahmyerswellness.com. 

2. Balance your emotions throughout the day.

To keep your energy flowing,

you need to bring balance to

A certified Acupressurist and Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner, Deborah Myers helps you relieve pain, balance emotions, and increase vitality through private sessions, group classes, and workplace wellness workshops. She has created a self-help animated video program for kids to use at home and in schools, and Deborah’s Productive Mindfulness School Program is making a difference for students, teachers, and parents! You can find her at: www.deborahmyerswellness.com .