RHG Magazine January 2021 | Page 15

It’s never too late to be what you might have been. – George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

How shall we respond to the statement that it’s never too late to be who we might have been?

What if we examined “might” in George Eliot’s quote as both a verb and a noun. Might as a verb, offers us the opportunity to feel a situation is possible, or the potential in an idea. Might as a noun, puts focus on the strength and power you already possess to be the best version of yourself?

Something that works for me and gives my plan “might,” on a daily basis is to begin my day writing and getting my thoughts into my journal. Some others spill their troubles of the day on the page before they climb into bed so that they get it out of their body and can sleep restfully. Some list what they are grateful for at the end of each day. I like to have a conversation on paper about what’s going on in my life. I may have a decision to make about a specific situation or dream out loud within my journal pages about an idea that excites me.

Occasionally, a phrase from my journal may spark my imagination to grow into a topic I want to explore more in depth as a blog, an e-book, a course, an idea I want to pass on to a colleague, or the solution to a difficult situation. Writing has always been an important part of my plans and I’ve always known it was part of my purpose even when those close to me did not.

It could be the same for you. Perhaps your purpose isn’t obvious to the people in your life. Or are you yourself struggling to know your purpose?

It’s up to us to transform the potential and the possible into our individual power and strength in order to live our life on purpose with purpose.

What if we choose to use the past as information and let it fuel our determination to move forward? What if we build on the success of what worked for us and create something new, instead wasting energy on what didn’t work.

Let today be a new beginning.

No matter what the circumstances of the last month, year, or decade, today begins a new chapter. No matter how much we may rail again it, time marches on. So, make it work for you. Design a plan in which the life we lead reflects who we are in this moment of time.

What might have been isn’t nearly as exciting as waking up to the passion and purpose of the present moment.

I believe in synchronicity and that nothing happens randomly. Everything is connected in some fashion. The connection just may not be immediately obvious.

I believe in being open to possibility.

I believe in opening the mind and heart to options. Sometimes we are presented with choice and we go with the safe one. The one that seems to be less risk and most acceptable.

What if choosing the safe option, was simply another way of deferring your purpose? What if you could follow the path of least resistance while continuing to pursue your passion and purpose?

I wasn’t encouraged to be a writer because it wasn’t realistic for a farm girl like me. However, I was encouraged to be a secretary. And those skills were very useful in supporting me so that I could afford to work part-time and go to school full-time to achieve my dream of a degree in journalism. My dream wasn’t forgotten or abandoned. My dream was deferred until I had the “might” to be who I was designed to be.

We can rewrite our stories and unleash our true purpose in this life. We can live a life of purpose and on purpose as not just who we might have been, but the absolute gift we are to the world.

As long as there is breath in our body, it’s never too late. Never give up. Let that light shine powerfully so that the world sees us. And those who need us can find exactly the help they seek.

The Promise of Might Be…

RHG Magazine TM - January 2021 © All rights reserved.