R&G|MAGAZINE Edition #14 - September 2015 | Page 13
You’ve been dating your
girlfriend for a while
now and she’s accepted
your nerdy side that
can spend hour upon
hour on various online
games. She doesn’t get
it, but she accepts it. But
note to self: she comes
first. Computers are
really not that comfy
to snuggle up with so if
there’s one you’re going
to compromise on, it’s
not your lady! If she
gives you a time that you
need to leave the house
game 20 minutes before
to avoid a full blown
domestic. You WILL
survive without those
extra few minutes gaming.
playing FIFA on the
night is important.
You can burp, fart and
scream excitedly about
imaginary players kicking
a ball around as much as
you like. But when you
have a girlfriend doing
that every Friday and
Saturday night is no
longer an option. And
yes, we know you’ll get
grief from your guy
mates for ditching them
for a woman, but really,
who’s going home alone
at the end of the night?
We know we can be quite
selfish when it comes
to who has control of
the TV remote. But just
humour us, pretend that
you’re interested in the
odd cooking show, E!
News and Disney film.
Chances are, we’ll be
far more lenient when
there’s an important
game of footie or rugby