EDITOR’S NOTE Well hello there August! It’s a little warmer now, but I’d suggest you still go out and grab whatever you can from the stores while they’re still on sale. Stock up for winter next year while it’s cheap. Y’know? Welcome to the August issue of the R&G Magazine. This month’s issue is packed with a lot more than usual. Some cool stuff, some crazy stuff, some gangsta stuff, some food stuff, some event stuff. Basically a poop load of GOOD STUFF. We have a piece on Gloria Huwiler, our very own home-grown model/actress. If you’ve been following the magazine, you’ll know that there’s a load of hidden talent in Zambia. All you need do is look around. You’ll be amazed I tell you. AMAZED. I won’t disclose too much about what we have going on in this month’s issue. I’ll just point out that as per usual, you should subscribe. Don’t miss out on your monthly dose of the R&G|Magazine. It’s good for your health. That’s what the doctors said. Gareth Zebron (Editor)