R&G|MAGAZINE Edition #12 - July 2015 | Page 50

3 3 There are three main body types: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. You can be a combination of body types but will predominantly be one over the other. These body types are general groupings of body make-ups that describe muscle building ability as well as fat storage and distribution. MAIN BODY TYPES_FITCITY An ectomorph is characterised by long and thin muscles and limbs, is naturally thin with lower fat storage, and has a harder time putting on muscle. A mesomorph is characterised by larger bones, a solid torso, wide shoulders, a trim waist, controlled body fat levels, and typically puts on muscle easily. An endomorph is characterised by increased fat storage, wider waist, larger bone structure, and typically gains weight easily. If you need help figuring out your body type, try this quiz: http://www.bodybuilding com/fun/becker3.htm (MESOMORPH, ECTOMORPH, ENDOMORPH) 50 51