There are few things better than
a home-cooked meal. Sure, it’s
nice to go out now and then to
splurge on delicacies prepared
by a chef. But not only can that
become expensive, it also requires
time and planning. That’s why
such restaurant trips tend to be
reserved for weekend evenings.
But what about those weekday
afternoons? Given lunchtime
traffic, going home every day is
not always an option, and even
if it were, not everyone is lucky
enough to have a meal waiting for
As one of the office-bound
masses, my predicament is shared
by many. You’ve been working
all morning, breakfast was hours
ago, you haven’t packed a lunch
(due to lack of foresight or lack
of groceries), you need to fuel
yourself up for the afternoon, and
both your time and budget are
limited. Your restaurant of choice
has to meet four criteria: it must
be inexpensive, relatively close to
the office, quick on turnaround,
and of course, the food must be
I know what you’re thinking.
Those criteria can be met by
almost any fast foo d joint out
there. But I have two other
criteria: the food must be healthy
and it must be vegetarian. Now,
given my nit-picky prerequisites,
I thought finding the perfect
place would be difficult. Luckily
for me, I didn’t have to hunt very
long or go very far.