Similarly with your Curriculum Vitae (or CV). These are available as
exemplars on the internet. Look at several and see which best fits your need.
Again, a few quick rules:
Set it out clearly. Try to use double spacing, so that all your
information is easy to read.
Be truthful! Don’t claim qualifications / experience you don’ t
possess. This is fraud; you will be found out!
Only refer to experience and qualifications that are relevant to
the post for which you’re applying. For example, no one will be
interested in the fact that you can swim 100 metres, or that you had
lots of experience babysitting, if you are applying to be the manager
of a restaurant!
List your qualifications / experience in chronological order. Don’t
flit from one thing to another, but give accurate dates and places.
Make sure you give references (having asked the people first) with
clear contacts for them.