REVIVER vol 1 | Page 3


photos and story by: Aaron Wilcox

After a tornado destroyed a third of my town on May 22, 2011, I have been doing a lot of thinking about priorities. Too many of my friends and family lost everything they had and were forced to rebuild their lives. My family and I huddled in the dark basement of my in-laws house while the massive tornado obliterated the house above us. Taking with it many possessions tied to my wife’s childhood memories. It makes me wonder, if I lost everything I owned how would I choose to rebuild? What would I do differently? I think about all of the possessions that I would hate to lose. There are things that insurance just cannot replace, like memories sewn into grandmother’s quilts or old family photos. A year after the tornado my Dad, brother, our longtime friend Kenton, and I embarked on a 6 day 60 mile trek through Glacier National Park. I was expecting to have a great time, but I was not expecting to find answers to some of these questions.