Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal | Page 123

He lost track of the sunrise while smiling and when he looked at the far bank he saw the sky afire in Easter colors. Easter wasn’t until tomorrow. He would go to church in his bowtie because she would make him, he thought about fishing tomorrow. But he would go to church because she would make him and if the worst thing a woman would make him do is go to church then he had fared better than most of the remaining world.

The boat slid into the water and he powered upstream. He looked into his cooler and counted the Budweisers, there were 2. When he was younger he would bring more but didn’t see the need anymore. He still brought a pack of Marlboros that stayed in the chest pocket of his overalls. He smoked Marlboros because his dad did and so did his grandfather. He fished because of them too. His grandfather fished for crappie and catfish because he was hungry, so Cletus fished for those as well. He still fished for them even when he wasn’t hungry and he would put those fish back, he fished for them so that he could drink his 2 beers and smoke his Marlboros.