Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal (volume 2 edition 1) | Page 12

Today it seems as though there are not enough people who actually care. In a world that needs more attention than ever. I think we often forget just what kind of impact we can each have on the lives of others, even if it is just one person. Bucky Buchstaber and the entire group at The Fly Fishing Collaborative have realized this, and now turned it into their mission. The old saying goes "Be the difference you want to see in the world". Well these guys are being it, and maybe we should follow...

Tell us all a brief summary of who Fly Fishing Collaborative is and what the mission is.

FFC is made up of a community of anglers, industry professionals, artists, and anyone else who shares the common vision of using fly-fishing to create change in the world. We all work together towards social and environmental justice. Our mission is simple; to help orphaned and abused kids in our city, and around the world. One way we do this is by building Tilapia farms for orphanages that rescue kids from the sex slave industry. Just one Tilapia farm can provide sustainable food, income, water, and fresh produce for an orphanage enabling them to care for more children that would otherwise be sold into sex slavery. Another way we help is by supporting local safe houses here in Portland. (Yes, it’s sad but true, human trafficking of minors is happening in our very own cities). We also reach out to kids in the foster care system. We are now developing a program that will enable us to teach local foster kids how to fly fish and care as well as care for the environment.

Because we’re passionate about conserving our rivers and wild fish FFC is dedicating 10% of our proceeds towards conservation efforts.

Our vision is becoming a reality through the ideas and collaboration of our amazing community of supporters. Currently we sell guided fly-fishing trips that are generously donated and led by professional guides. We also sell hand crafted leather fly wallets. Fly tiers from all around the country have donated flies so we can sell the wallets full of beautiful flies tied by the hands of people that want to help.

These things are only the beginning of what happens when collaboration meets a simple idea. With the help of others the ideas continue to develop and leads to breakthrough innovation. This is our story and we’re expecting even greater things ahead.