Revive - A Quarterly Fly Fishing Journal (Volume 1. Issue 4. Spring 2014) | Page 118

I have a quote from Edward Abbey

on the ‘Outside’ page of my website,

this is my favorite part of it “Be as I

am - a reluctant enthusiast... a part-

time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic.

Save the other half of yourselves and

your lives for pleasure and adventure.

It is not enough to fight for the land;

it is even more important to enjoy it.

While you can.” As my experience as

an artist progresses, I notice that my time spent fly fishing is diminishing faster than a West Texas Sunset. I really need to remedy this, who wants to go fish?

For me, creating original fly fishing related artwork is like the art of fly-fishing. I do both because I know the secret. I do these things because I can’t not do it. Never be afraid to put yourself out there! Peace my fiends.